So, how was September?
I started a new day job this month, after having worked at the same place for almost ten years. It’s nervewracking to say the least, but I think that time will prove it to be a good decision.
I’ve almost finished the first draft of The Nice Guy and the Devil, and so inevitably my thoughts are turning to the next book.
TNGATD now has over 170 pre-orders, which is enourmous considering The Florentine had 33. If I can somehow keep up that level of growth I’ll be able to write full-time before the age of 40. If I can achieve that I will consider it as miraculous as winning the lottery.
I hope you’re keeping well, and that you’ve been reading lots of good books. I finally got around to reading Get Shorty, and I can thoroughly recommend it.
Random film recommendations
Everything Everywhere All at Once is on Amazon Prime Video, if you’ve not seen it, it’s one of the most audacious and wonderful pieces of storytelling I have ever seen. Give it a go, and do so without looking up anything about it. It’s exciting, touching, funny, and will blow your mind 🤯
Watch Prey | Full movie | Disney+ —
I really enjoyed this, simple trashy fun